Waste is a naturecultural concept for considering how worlds are built and destroyed by our enmeshment with its myriad forms and realities. We seek to engage those worlds.
Waste Worlding — Overview
Waste Worlding is a virtual summer institute that highlights interdisciplinary approaches to the various worlds of waste by inviting scholars to workshop writing and works in progress. This seminar-style institute intends to recenter the peripheral “throw away” nature of waste in its various forms, temporalities, and media.
Waste Worlding — About
We invite scholars, scholar-activists, and artistic practitioners of waste to explore “waste worlding” as a concept that is deliberately broad and discipline-inclusive.
Over 4 days, participants will engage with three plenary speakers: Myra Hird, Cleo Woelfle-Hazard, and Traci Brynne Voyles. In addition, participants will be placed in small, interdisciplinary groups to workshop articles, essays, conference talks, and/or book proposals in progress. We will also discuss future publication opportunities as a collective.
To foster an intimate atmosphere that includes rigorous and constructive feedback, participation is limited to 18 individuals. Ladder faculty, adjuncts, independent scholars, and graduate students advanced to candidacy are welcome to apply. We are mindful of the alternative responsibilities and additional stressors that accompany conferencing in the present, and as a result, we will offer each participant a $150 stipend upon completion of the institute.
Waste Worlding — Land Acknowledgement
Bucknell University is located on the ancestral homelands of the Munsee, Susquehannock, Shawnee and Lennai-Lenape peoples and member nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
We wish to respectfully acknowledge our collective responsibility to these original stewards of the land, water and air upon which we now live as well as their descendants. We hope that our presence and work honor these caretakers. We further recognize that there are no federally- or state-recognized native tribes within Pennsylvania. This is due to centuries of violence, genocide, disease and forced removal as well as the history of residential schools. We acknowledge the painful history of the first government-run boarding school for Native American children, the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, which was housed 80 miles from Lewisburg, and where nearly 200 children lost their lives and more than 10,000 children from 140 tribes were subjected to cultural genocide.
We recognize that acknowledgements precede action. The purpose of land acknowledgements is to create broader public awareness of the true history of the land, begin to repair relationships with Native American communities and with the land, and inspire ongoing action and relations. Land acknowledgements also support larger reconciliation efforts, remind people that colonization is ongoing and that Native American lands are currently occupied by Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, and reverently and respectfully engage with these histories and their legacies.

Bucknell Humanities Center
The Bucknell Humanities Center was inaugurated in 2015. Located at the heart of campus in Hildreth-Mirza Hall, the Bucknell Humanities Center embodies the university’s commitment to its core liberal arts mission: educating students for a lifetime of critical thinking and intellectual exploration. The humanities play a distinctive role in that mission by teaching the skills needed to interpret and evaluate the meaning-making practices of human cultures, past and present. The BHC has become a vibrant intellectual community space for the entire campus, hosting and co-sponsoring humanities-themed events that draw faculty and students from all three colleges.